The Idealist
The idealist set out
on unexplored waters
accompanied by
orphaned questions,
tacit answers.
Yes, the idealist set out
treading the unbeaten path,
the end nowhere in sight.
The idealist will persist,
seemingly never to glance back,
sketchy assurances, unchased dreams
tossing caution to the winds.
Did the heart miss a beat?
Did time stand still
in a moment of uncertainty
when the decision was made?
Yet, the idealist will persist.
All doubts that lingered
in an indecisive turmoil
will be camouflaged by a
brave smile flared by
unreasonable optimism,
love of the unknown,
insistence of a mind
that couldn't rest,
that slowly withered away
in familiar grounds.
The idealist will return home.
For there comes a time when
the unknown demands to be defined,
reason can no longer wait in the shadows,
familiarity entices.
Yes, the idealist will return
to the comfort of the harbour.
Will the idealist set sail again?
Won't the ransom for freedom be paid?
on unexplored waters
accompanied by
orphaned questions,
tacit answers.
Yes, the idealist set out
treading the unbeaten path,
the end nowhere in sight.
The idealist will persist,
seemingly never to glance back,
sketchy assurances, unchased dreams
tossing caution to the winds.
Did the heart miss a beat?
Did time stand still
in a moment of uncertainty
when the decision was made?
Yet, the idealist will persist.
All doubts that lingered
in an indecisive turmoil
will be camouflaged by a
brave smile flared by
unreasonable optimism,
love of the unknown,
insistence of a mind
that couldn't rest,
that slowly withered away
in familiar grounds.
The idealist will return home.
For there comes a time when
the unknown demands to be defined,
reason can no longer wait in the shadows,
familiarity entices.
Yes, the idealist will return
to the comfort of the harbour.
Will the idealist set sail again?
Won't the ransom for freedom be paid?
No ransom can tag him
No price can match him
The idealist shall set sail.. again
In search of the world
that exists nowhere but in his head
in search of Utopia!
@Sriram - thats my gut feel too..:)
thank you for taking time to read.